Upload and test Lambda function in AWS Lambda

Upload and test Lambda function in AWS Lambda

  1. We will deploy Lambda functions and test them.
  • Right-click inside the window containing the source code of the LambdaFunctionHandler.java class in src/main/java/idevelop.lambda.s3handler.
  • From AWS Lambda menu, select Run function on AWS Lambda


  1. Select Upload now.


  1. Select the region where the lab is being performed and select Create a new Lambda function. Enter Lambda function name as TestLambda.
  2. Select Next


  1. In description section, enter Test AWS Lambda function triggered by S3 upload
  2. In IAM role section, select LambdaRole automatically generated in the exercise configuration.
  3. In S3 bucket section, select the S3 bucket we created earlier to store the Lambda source code (idevelop-sourcecode-yourinitials).
  4. Select Finish to upload Lambda function to AWS Account.


  1. Uploading will take a few minutes. Once the upload is complete, open the AWS Lambda Console and find the TestLambda function that was just uploaded.


  1. Find Add Triggers in Function overview section.


  1. Select S3.
  2. In Bucket section, select the bucket that you created to contain the uploaded image (idevelop-imagemanager-yourinitials)
  3. In Event type section, select All Object create events
  4. In Prefix section, enter uploads/. Don’t set value for Suffix.
  5. Check at Recursive invocation and select Add


  1. Now let’s test the Lambda function. Go to S3 console and open the folder containing the uploaded images (idevelop-imagemanager-initials).

  2. Create a uploads folder. Open uploads folder just created and click Upload to upload files to it.

  • Puppy.jpg (125 ko)
  • Createfolder

    • Click Add files
    • Select downloaded files and click Upload


    1. Once the upload is complete, back in AWS Lambda console, select the Monitoring tab of the TestLambda function. You can adjust the time frame for easier viewing.


    1. You will see 2 calls and their duration in the graph. You see 2 calls - one to create the uploads folder and the other to upload an image Puppy.jpg
    2. Click View logs in CloudWatch to open the CloudWatch logs of this Lambda function.


    Note: you will see a different CONTENT TYPE output on these two events. In the first event the CONTENT TYPE is application/x-directory and in the second event it is image/jpeg. In the sample source code of the provided Lambda function, only logs the CONTENT TYPE of the file, and no other action is taken. We will change this code in the next sections.

    1. Upload any file that is not an image to the S3 bucket and observe the log.

